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Privacy Policy

As a member of the BACP & Addiction Professionals I am proud to adhere to their code of ethics, which means that anything you tell me will be kept in complete confidence except in extreme circumstances, such as you disclose a risk to yourself or another person, the act of committing a serious crime or terrorism for example. But you are free to disclose to me the things we might not disclose to work or family or friends, and it is through this sharing that growth and recovery can begin.


Ian Caley Therapy is committed to complying with the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and to the responsible and secure use of your personal data. Ian Caley Therapy has a legitimate interest in processing personal data in order to provide counselling services. The purpose of this statement is to let you know what personal information Ian Caley Therapy collects and holds, why I collect this data, how long it is kept and your rights over your personal data. Ian Caley is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).


1. Information about you

I collect personal information from you when you enquire about my counselling services in order to set up an initial appointment. This information includes contact details, your availability and other relevant personal information. This may include your name, address, date of birth, telephone numbers, email address, general health, GP details and information relevant to your referral. All personal information and session notes are stored in a locked filing cabinet and retained for the legal requirement of 7 years, after which time will be shredded. Your contact details such as telephone numbers and email addresses may be stored electronically and backed up in the cloud with a UK based company and deleted one month from your last session.

Any emails you send will not be electronically retained and either deleted or printed and placed in your records within one month of sending.

All text messages are deleted within one month of sending.

Your telephone number may be stored in a mobile phone and deleted one month from your last session.


2. My use of this information

Your personal information will be used only to provide you with my services. I will not share your personal details with any other person or organisation without your knowledge and permission, unless there is a legal requirement, if there is a child or adult safeguarding issue, or a perceived risk of harm. A breach of confidentiality is when a person shares information with another in circumstances where it is reasonable to expect that the information will be kept confidential.


3. Security

I will take all reasonable precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of information you give me. Communications in connection with this service may be sent by e-mail. For ease of use and compatibility, communications will not be sent in an encrypted form unless you require it and give me permission to communicate with you in that way. E-mail, unless encrypted, is not a fully secure means of communication. Whilst I endeavour to keep my system and communications protected against viruses and other harmful effects, I cannot bear responsibility for all communications being virus-free.


4. Confidentiality

All sessions will be conducted in confidence, the date, time, session number and brief notes will be documented.

Confidentiality, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR), will be maintained and applied to all records with the exception of the following:

When you have given your permission to share information for example, statistical data

In cases where I have a duty to share information regarding (but not limited to) the following:

When compelled to give evidence by a court of law

If it is considered there is a real possibility of harm to yourself or others or in such instances when information is of such a gravity that confidentiality cannot be maintained for example:

  • Safeguarding adults (adult protection)

  • Safeguarding children (child protection)

  • Offences involving children under the age of 18

  • In cases of terrorism, fraud or money laundering.


5. Your permission

I will seek your permission to:

Contact you via your preferred method and will only leave a message with your consent.

Share information outside of the above exceptions.

Use anonymous details for continued professional development (case studies or training).

Publish any marketing material such as case studies or testimonials including those using a pseudonym.


6. Your rights over your personal data

If you would like to see the information I hold about you, or would like to correct, update or delete any records or if you have any concerns about my use of your data, please email me at I will do my utmost to resolve any concerns you have, but if these are not resolved to your satisfaction, you may choose to contact the ICO.

Recovered Counselling is committed to complying with the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and to the responsible and secure use of your personal data. Recovered Counselling has a legitimate interest in processing personal data in order to provide counselling services. The purpose of this statement is to let you know what personal information Recovered Counselling collects and holds, why I collect this data, how long it is kept and your rights over your personal data. Ian Caley is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Addiction Professionals specialist
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